Santa Dinamita 72

2022-01-07 Santa Dinamita 72

Episodi 72 Santa Dinamita @DjPantheon per a RadioAlfacs


Without your love - Apre - 2020
Right between your eyes - Wax - 1986
Who put the boom to the boom boom diddely boom - Bentley Rithym Ace - 1997
20 años menos - La banda sonora - 1988
Waiting - The Rentals - 1995
Got into your head - Dirty Nice - 2021
Eloise - Barry Ryan 
Tear dry on their own - Amy Winehouse
Genesis - Justice - 2007
No one else - Weezer - 2004
Can't lick you - Kylie vs Indeciss
Pat Track - Basement Jazz
No love lost - Joy Division - 1978

Cada setmana una nova emissió de Santa Dinamita de la mà de Dj Pantheon per a tots vosaltres. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.