Santa Dinamita 26

2021-02-12 Santa Dinamita 26

S01 E26 Santa Dinamita DjPantheon Radio Show @RadioAlfacs


Gone to Texas - Godfathers. 1987
ΚΑΤΙ ΓΙΑ ΜΕΝΑ - Evripidis and his tragedys. 2019
Help - The Beatles. 1965
Girlfriend in a coma - The Smiths. 1987
~k7 Music: response - The Chemical Brothers. 1999
Red Flag - Russian Radio. 1989
Chameleon - Herbie Hanckok. 1974
Losing my religion - REM. 1991
Woman del Callao - Juan Luis Guerra i 4.40. 1990
What time is love? - KLF. 1991
Biblioteca Spectral - Maô Morta 2010
Keep the Cars Run - Arcade Fire. 2007
ºRock me amadeus - Falco. 1985
Despedirse - Lori meyers. 2016
Smile - Tom Jones. 1967
*I see you - Jutty Ranx 2013
Autum in Paradise - Primal Scream. 2016

Cada setmana una nova emissió de Santa Dinamita de la mà de Dj Pantheon per a tots vosaltres. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.