Tot s’hi val 61 (Arrancada De Matxo (part 8))

2022-01-03 Tot s’hi val 61

Torna l’Arrancada de Matxo a Tot S’hi Val perquè no hi ha millor manera de començar l’any! Les millors cançons Track 01 d’àlbum, un recopilatori brillant!


Blu - I am blu(e)
Alizzz - Todo me sabe a poco
The Organ - Brother
Balthazar - Fifteen floors
Alex Cameron - Stepdad
MIA - Bamboo Banga
Wet Leg - Too late now
The Wave Pictures - Stay here & take care
The Isley Brothers - Nowhere to run
Spelling - Little deer
St. Vincent - Pay your way in pain
Sufjan Stevens - Reach out
Turnstile - MYSTERY
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Get ready for love

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