“m’encanta el so, però prefereixo el silenci” (Mark Hollis)
01.Talk Talk - It's My Life (Mint Julep Cover) 02.Insides - Ghost Music 03.Jay Glass Dubs- Dots On Nails 04.epic45 - Among Ruins 05.Jon Brooks - Neist Point 06.Westerman - Confirmation 07.Bark Psychosis - Big Shot 08.These new Puritans - A-R-P 09. Orlando Weeks - Milk Breath 10.Oso Leone - Vernal Pools 11.The Blue Nile - Saturday Night 12.Mute Forest - The wave 13.D. Rothon - the midnight bell - i have been here before 14.Disco Inferno - At The End Of The Line 15.Prefab Sprout - life of surprises
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