Ràdio Free Alfacs 28

2021-10-05 Ràdio Free Alfacs 28


R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe (intro)
Ty Segall - Harmonizer
Triangulo de Amor Bizarro - De la Monarquía a la Criptocracia
Public Service Broadcasting - Der Rhythmus der Maschinen
Nirvana - In Bloom
St Vincent - Sad But True
Interpol - PDA
Carlos Ann - Hada
Bill Callahan - Jim Cain
David Bowie - Hole in the Ground
The Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling
Dee Gees - Night Fever (Bee Gees cover)
Pink Turns Blue - Not Even Trying
Sufjan Stevens and Angelo de Augustine - Lady Macbeth in Chains
El Petit de Cal Eril - Cada dia surt el Sol
Walk The Moon - Fire in your House

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