Programa nº 123 MÚSICA CRÒNICA a RÀDIO ALFACS repassant el darrer any de vida dels THE SMITHS (1987)
Contingut programa nº 123 MÚSICA CRÒNICA a RÀDIO ALFACS amb THE SMITHS (1987): Sintonia de capçalera i tancament de programa> 0. Enjoy the Silence (Ecstatic Dub) - DEPECHE MODE Disc "The World Won't Listen" (1987)> 1. Panic 2. Ask 3. London 4. Shakespeare's Sister 5. Shoplifters of the World Unite 6. Asleep 7. Unloveable 8. Half a Person 9. Stretch out and Wait 10. You Just Haven't Earned It Yet, Baby 11. Rubber Ring Disc "Louder Than Bombs" (1987)> 12. Sheila Take a Bow 13. Back to the Old House Disc "Strangeways, Here We Come" (1987)> 14. A Rush and a Push and the Land is Ours 15. I Started Something I Couldn't Finish 16. Girlfriend in a Coma 17. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before 18. Unhappy Birthday 19. Paint a Vulgar Picture
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