Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.
01 Sarife & The Angels of Libra - Baby When You Hold Me 02 Maiiah & The Angels of Libra - Kava 03 Angels of Libra feat Gosia Jasinska - No One Knows 04 Don West - Small Change 05 Ted Taylor - Somebody's Always Trying 06 Delroy Wilson - Funky Broadway 07 Mango Wood - Never Can Tell 08 The Moskito Bite - Eight Days a Week 09 The Goliards Collective - Eleanor Rigby 10 Bruce Ruffin - Cecilia 11 The Cabrians - Ace Of Spades 12 Cindy & Bert - Der Hund von Baskerville (Paranoid) 13 Marvin Gaye & Bob Marley - Healing In Vain 14 Errol Linton - Country Girl 15 Kobo Town - Kaiso Newscast 16 Ojos Feos - G'Bye Mugabe 17 Carlos Barbería - Gueita Caimán 18 The Magnetics - Mojito 19 The Electrons - Lo Nuevo 20 Eskorzo - Llévatelo 21 The Go! Team - All The Way Live 22 Wet Leg - Chaise Longue 23 Mina - Città Vuota

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