Monogràfic sobre la Jackie Shane, la estrella del soul que durant tota la seva vida va lluitar per defensar els seus drets com a dona negra transgènere.
01 Sticks and Stones 02 Comin' Down 03 New Way of Lovin' 04 You Are My Sunshine 05 Barefootin' (Live) 06 Stand Up Straight and Tall 07 Shotgun (Live) 08 Knock On Wood (Live) 09 Don't Play That Song (You Lied) [Live] 10 Money Does What I Want 11 I've Really Got the Blues 12 Any Other Way 13 In My Tenement 14 Walking the Dog 15 Papa's Got a Brand New Bag (Live) 16 Cruel Cruel World 17 Send Me Some Lovin'

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