Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.
01 The Courettes - Shake! 02 La Fricativa Sonora - Picadura Selektah 03 Ponch Bueller - Bright Lights (Ska Version) 04 Base Collective - Way She Goes 05 Run The Jewels - Ooh La La (IMS Remix feat. Santa Fe Klan) 06 Junko Yagami - Mizuiro no Ame (Night Tempo Groove Mix) 07 Donzig - Bad Mother 08 Dead Air - Teeth Grinder 09 The Drowns - Blacked Out 10 The White Wires - Goodbye Girl 11 Tropical Fuck Storm - Stayin' Alive 12 Darrow Fletcher - The Pain Gets a Little Deeper 13 Irma Thomas - Anyone Who Knows What Love Is 14 Ola Belle Reed - High On A Mountain 15 The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company 16 Placebo - Nancy Boy

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