Rhythm’n’Blues en clau de dona amb temes dels 50 i 60 interpretats exclusivament per veus femenines.
01 Dolores Ware - Is It True (1955) 02 B.B. Carter - Leave Me Alone (1964) 03 Frances Burr - I Say No, No More (1963) 04 Mary Johnson - These Tears (1961) 05 Little Florene - Miss You So (1962) 06 Mable John - Able Mable (1968) 07 Linda - That Crazy Feeling (1960) 08 Cardella De Millo - Mama, Tell Me What To Do (1961) 09 Betty O'Brien - She'll Be Gone (1961) 10 Jackie Weaver - The Tingle (1961) 11 Sarah Vaughan - Mama (1962) 12 Jean DuShon - Feeling Good (1965) 13 Ann Johnson & The Wright Sounds - They Talk Too Much (1961) 14 Winona Carr - I'm Mad At You (1958) 15 Little Esther - T'Aint Whatcha Say It's Whatcha Do (1956) 16 Birdie Green - Tremblin' (1962) 17 Blanche Thomas - You Ain't So Such A Much (1954) 18 Miss LaVelle - Tide Of Love (1961) 19 Bertha Tillman - (I Believe) Something Funny Is Going On (1962) 20 Pearl Woods - Sippin Sorrow (1961) 21 Sherri Taylor - He's The One That Rings My Bell (1961) 22 Marie Knight - Come On Baby (Hold My Hand) (1962) 23 Frances Burnett - How I Miss You So (1959) 24 Cara Ross - Tormented (1962) 25 Dorie Williams - Tell Me Everything You Know (1963) 26 Ella Johnson - My Old Man (1953)

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