Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.
01 Doctor Explosion - Soy un Truhán, Soy un Señor 02 Rancid - New American 03 Fake Names - Expendables 04 Amyl and the Sniffers - I'm Not A Loser 05 Frankie and The Witch Fingers - Brain Telephone 06 Shannon & the Clams - The Boy 07 Kid Bowery - Colony Collapse 08 Little Ann - Who Are You Trying To Fool 09 Tim Maia - Nobody Can Live Forever 10 Stevie Wonder - We Can Work It Out 11 The Frightnrs - Trouble In Here 12 Jaya the Cat - El Camino 13 Street Sweeper Social Club - Paper Planes 14 Los Espíritus - Lo Echaron del Bar 15 Die Lassie Singers - Hamburg 16 Bronx River Parkway - El Resbalón 17 The Blind Boys of Alabama - Higher Ground 18 Harold Melvin & Sharon Paige - You Know How to Make Me Feel So Good

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