Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.
01 Cabiria - Gelato Dell'Inferno 02 Cabiria - Ave del Paraíso 03 At The Drive-In - Star Slight 04 Bodega - Statuette On the Console 05a The Courettese - Talking About My Baby 05b The Courettes - Shake Some Action 06 The Damned - Western Promise 07 Daniel Norgren - Dandelion Time 08 Finley Quaye - Sunday Shining 09 The Frightnrs - All My Tears 10 David Carbonara - Bossa Sixteen 11 Glas Nost - Be the Movement 12 Half Man Half Biscuit - Restless Legs 13 Krisma - C. Rock 14 Lambrini Girls - Lads Lads Lads 15 The Murder City Devils - I Want A Lot Now (So Come On) 16 Primus - Making Plans For Nigel 17 The Skints - Rubadub (Done Know) 18 Let The Sunshine In (Reprise) 19 Stereo Total - Heroes BONUS Dominic Chianese - Core 'ngrato

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