Land of the Freak 19 (Especial Fugazi)

2023-04-18 Land of the Freak 19

Monogràfic sobre la banda post-hardcore Fugazi.


01 Fugazi - Waiting Room
02 Fugazi - Afterthought
02 Minor Threat - Filler
02 Embrace - Money
02 Rites of Spring - Spring
02 Fugazi - Bad Mouth
03 Fugazi - Bulldog Front
04 Fugazi - Provisional
05 Fugazi - Turnover
06 Fugazi - Bed for the Scraping
07 Fugazi - Merchandise
08 Fugazi - Blueprint
09 Fugazi - Do you Like Me
10 Fugazi - Furniture
11 Fugazi - Break
12 Fugazi - Give Me The Cure
13 Fugazi - Suggestion
14 Fugazi - Styrofoam
15 Fugazi - Song #1
16 Fugazi - Two Beats Off
17 Fugazi - Sieve-Fisted Find
18 Fugazi - Target
19 Fugazi - Glue Man
20 Fugazi - Long Division
21 Fugazi - I'm So Tired

Cada dimarts a les 21h tens una cita amb Jordi Madness i el seu Land of the Freak. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.