VA 500% Dynamite! és una col·lecció de música ska, reggae, dub i dancehall jamaicà dels anys 60, 70 i 80 publicat per Soul Jazz Records.
01 Morgan Heritage & Bounty Killer - Guns In The Ghetto 02 Augustus Pablo - East Of The River Nile 03 Red Rat - Goody 2 Shoes 04 Mudies All-Stars - Loran's Dance 05 Jacob Miller - Healing Of The Nation 06 Joe Gibbs - African Dub Chapter Three 07 Sister Charmaine - The Body 08 Byron Lee - Frankenstein 09 Freddie McGregor - Natural Collie 10 Tiger Ranks - Party Wit Me 11 Marcia Aitken - I'm Still In Love 12 Toots & The Maytals - Bam Bam 13 Alton Ellis - Well Run Dry 14 Count Machuki - More Scorcha 15 Skatalites - Exodus 16 Delroy Wilson - I Want Justice 17 Marcia Griffiths - Feel Like Jumping 18 Webber Sisters - Come On Home

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