Land of the Freak 111 (From Australia With Love)

2025-01-21 Land of the Freak 111

Bandes australianes que han publicat després del 2020. (garage/punk)


01 Stiff Richards - Dig
02 The Judges - Be on the Beach
03 The Chats - 6L GTR
04 Aborted Tortoise - The Sun
05 Cheap-Skate - Rained Off
06 Dragnet - M-99
07 Gut Health - Inner Norm
08 Hideous Sun Demons - Gimmicks
09 Delivery - Baader Meinhof
10 Smooch - Feminine Touch
11 Amyl and the Sniffers - Guided By Angels
12 Kosmetika - Kosmetika Strikes Back
13 C.P.R. Doll - Can't Relate
14 Research Reactor Corp. - VHS
15 CIVIC - End Of The Line
16 Alien Nosejob - Television Sets
17 Kitchen People - Refuse 2 Grow
18 C.O.F.F.I.N - Cut You Off
19 Tony Dork - Tongue Tied
20 Split System - Climbing
21 CLAMM - Liar
22 King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Hate Dancin'

Cada dimarts a les 21h tens una cita amb Jordi Madness i el seu Land of the Freak. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.