Land of the Freak 109 (Popurri Macedònic V.a. 22)

2025-01-07 Land of the Freak 109

Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.


01 Black Heidi - Codependent
02 Des Demonas - Arthur Lee Bomb Squad
03 The Nude Party - Lonely Heather
04 The Jumpcuts - Shock and Awe
05 Koko-Jean & The Tonics - Too Good To Be True
06 La Trinidad - Ay, tus Ojos
07 Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance
08 Celso Piña - Cumbia Sampuesana
09 La Txama feat. Flakofonki - Fusilaren Hotsa
10 Ticklah feat. Mayra Vega - Mi Sonsito
11 The Skatalites & Macha - Fuera de mi Vida
12 Fanfare Ciocărlia - Me Sem Rom (I'm A Man cover)
13 VerDor - Mechón
14 Chain Cult - The Uninvited
15 Chronic Fatigue - Bus Beers
16 Home Front - Nation
17 Sex Mex - I Love Everyone

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