Land of the Freak 104 (Popurri Macedònic V.a. 21)

2024-12-03 Land of the Freak 104

Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.


01 Lollypop Lorry - Song for Two
02 Le Birrette - Hard Man Fe Dead
03 New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble feat Stephen Jackson - Mr. Pitiful
04 Melbourne Ska Orchestra - John Wayne
05 Dojo Cuts - I Got You
06 Scary Pockets - Sweet Child O' Mine
07 The Allergies - Knock Me Off My Feet
08 Acapulco Lips - Shoes On
09 The Quakes - Killing Moon
10 The Bags- Survive
11 The Distillers - City Of Angels
12 Fear - Here We Go Again
13 ALL - Dot
14 Under Gods - Shemale Fascination
15 Melenas - Bang
16 Parquesvr - Juancarlista
17 Igual nos vamos a morir - Pegamento
18 Socunbohemio - Pixapins
19 BONUS info...

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