Popurri de temes dins una macedònia d’estils.
01 The Dynamics - Cocaine 02 Nes Steady - Oh No! 03 Nes Steady - M’avorreixes 04 Nes Steady - Avui no Puc 05 Big Boss Sound - Mr Woo Ska 06 Tito Ramirez - Milly Malone 07 Tito Ramirez - La Bellaquera 08 Grande Amore & Muchachito - Qué Pode Saír Mal 09 Bala - Prisas 10 The Chats - Struck by Lightning 11 Sandré - No 12 Petrol Girls - Touch Me Again 13 The Dynamics - Low Rider 14 The Slackers - What We Gonna Do Now 15 The Salsa Punk Orkestra feat Suzanna i La Basu - Me Gusta Ser una Zorra 16 Roy Ellis - Let Me Take You Higher 17 Saun & Starr - Big Wheel 18 Little Simz - Gorilla 19 The Frantic Five - The Very First Day 20 Kenichi Asai - Fantasy 21 Panic Shack - Jiu Jits You 22 Lambrini Girls - Company Culture 23 The Chisel - Cry Your Eyes Out 24 Soul Glo - Gold Chain Punk (whogonbeatmyass) 25 The Dynamics - Dance

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