Monogràfic sobre el trio jamaicà de reggae.
01 Papa Was A Rolling Stone 02 Never Come Running Back 03 Give me a Little Loving 04 Long Shot Kick de Bucket 05 Catch the Beat 06 Samfie Man 07a The Slickers - Johnny Too Bad 07b The Slickers - Nana 07c The Slickers - Give us a Break 08 Black Bud 09 Let Your Yeah Be Yeah 10 Give and Take 11a Broken Man 11b Feel The Rhythm 11c My Good Friend James 12 Starvation 13 You Don't Know Like I Know 14 Battle of the Giants 15 Jackpot 16 Slip Away 17 Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) 18 I Need Your Sweet Inspiration 19 Reggae Fever 20 Money Day 21 Time Hard

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