El programa de novetats de Radio Alfacs, on trobareu totes les coses que deurien (i no ho fan) sonar a la radio convencional
Iron & Wine; Fiona Apple - All in Good Time M83 - Earth To Sea - Edit Terrorvision - The Night That Lemmy Died Lemmy - Twist and Shout Christine and the Queens - rentrer chez moi St. Vincent - Big Time Nothing Sean Nicholas Savage - Let Me Out Pet Shop Boys - Loneliness Disclosure; Eliza Doolittle - You & Me Justice; Tame Impala - One Night/All Night Love of Lesbian; Rigoberta Bandini - Contradicción Los Punsetes - MADRID ME ATACA Angelic Upstarts - Blood On The Terraces Eels - Novocaine For The Soul Lenny Kravitz - Human - Single Version David Bowie; Brian Eno; NATURE - Get Real - Sounds Right Mix (feat. NATURE) Karavana - Verano de los 27

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