Antiga però moderna 51

2023-03-27 Antiga però moderna 51

Avui programa especial numero rodó. 50 programes amb una mixtape d’antics no moderns


Little Bitty Pretty One - The Paramounts
Zoot Suit - The gih Numbers
I Take What I Want - The Artwoods
Dirty Water - The Standells
Psychotic Reaction - Count Five
You're Gonna Miss Me  - 13th Floor Elevators
Don't Look Back - The Remains
I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night - The Electric Prunes
Love You - Syd Barret
Poor Moon - Canned Heat
Lazy Days - The Flying Burrito Brothers
Statesboro Blues - Taj Mahal
Boom Boom - John Lee Hooker
Dance On Through - The Human Beinz
Lazy Sunday - Small Faces
Hold Tight! - Dave Dee, Dozzy, Beaky, Mick & Tich
Harmonica - Tha Graham Bond Organisation
The Letter - The Box Tops
She Came In Trhoug the bathroom window - Joe Cocker

Cada setmana una nova entrega dels millors mixtapes. Escolta-ho cada dilluns a les 17h. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.