Antiga però moderna 50

2023-03-13 Antiga però moderna 50

Programa 51, indie i postpunk


Slow Jam 1 - King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard 
Long Journey - Allah-Las
Don't Leave Me on the Earth - La luz
Western Playland - Holy Wave
Grey Lanes - Jacco Gardner
The Conservation of Energy - Vanishing Twin
Gotta Cheer Up - Cotton Jones
Country Pavement - Babewatch
The One - Lemon Twigs
Mambo Sun - T.Rex
This Must Be the Place - Talking Heads
Sorry for Laughing - Josef K
Where we you - Mekons
Crazy Rhythms - The Feelies
Whip it - DEVO
Push Th'Little Daisies - Ween

Cada setmana una nova entrega dels millors mixtapes. Escolta-ho cada dilluns a les 17h. Segueix-nos a twitter per a estar al dia i rebre les notificacions de les nostres emissions en temps real.