Al Tot S’hi Val del 21 de desembre repassem un llistat de cançons nadalenques i cançons que parlen de les festes de Nadal per desitjar unes bones festes a tots els que escolten Ràdio Alfacs.
Michael Bublé - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas Fiona Apple - Frosty the snowman Gwen Stefani, Blake Shelton - You make me feel like Christmas John Legend - Give love on Christmas Manolo Escobar - Ande la Marimorena Frank Sinatra - Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song Los Chunguitos - Esta noche es Nochebuena Chuck Berry - Run Rudolph Run Duo Dinamico - Balada de navidad La Pegatina - Es Nadal i estic content Queen - Thank God it's Christmas Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas Bobby Helms - Jingle Bell Rock Eagles - Please come home for Christmas Reik - It's the most wonderful time of the year Wham! - Last Christmas The Jackson 5 - Santa Claus is coming to town Mecano - Un año más
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